Bible Recap

NKMB, let’s get into God's word together!

Romans 11:33 “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!”

My name is Kristen Rahn, and about 5 years ago I read through the bible for the first time, front to back, and it changed my life. Before this, I found the bible very confusing, intimidating, and I didn’t really know what to do with it, I also wasn’t very interested in reading it, although I wanted to be. I asked God to give me a desire to read His word, and to be in relationship with Him. God answered my prayer, and now I’m so passionate about getting everyone in the word. I think it would be so powerful for the whole church to read through the bible together, I wonder what God would do through this. So I wanted to implore everyone at NKMB, young and old, to read through the bible together in 2024. We will follow a chronological reading plan using The Bible Recap. The Bible Recap provides an explanation or “recap” of what you read that day, you can listen to it via podcast or purchase the book and read it, or you can opt out of the recap and just do what’s most important, the bible reading. I’ve found the bible recap to be helpful for confusing sections of the bible, and also just providing more information to put things into context.

I ask that you, brothers and sisters in Christ, bring this to God in prayer and ask that he give you the desire and motivation to spend a year being transformed by the renewing of your mind by reading through the bible together!

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