What's Happening At NKMB?

This Week's Announcements


Condolences: to Juergen and Dagmar Werner and family on the passing of Juergen’s sister Trudy Jede who passed away on July 23. Funeral will be held on Thursday Aug 1 at 1pm at Springs Church.



to Zoe Woelk, daughter of Peter and Teresa and Mark Carlson, son of
Lenn & Sandy, on their engagement.

Staff Holidays

Pastor Ben on sabbatical June 29- Aug 26

Pastor Paulhans off July 2-28

Justin Bulher off July 21-28

Collection for Rita

We’re looking for the following items. If you are able to donate, please drop them off at the church office.
•bunk bed          •3 twin comforters
•alarm clock     •3 light weight blankets
•pots       •flash light
•Vacuum cleaner
•Couch      •4 kitchen chairs
•Walmart/Superstore gift cards (to purchase food, cleaning supplies, and other essentials)

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Weekly Prayer Items

•For the children attending that the verse above would become real for them this week as they learn about their identity in Christ.
•For our volunteers this week for VBS:

Lizzy Miriam Kaitlyn Maria Corrine Ruth Milena Jen Jade Moni Melissa Alisha Delia Julia Nathan Marilyn Alexa Janaya Demi Alysha Kaia Sadie Josh M Matias Nadia Emmanuel Caio Anya Josh K Maya G Maya J Isabella Rebecca Addison Josh Maliha Annen Myla Moses Maya H Carren Matthew Ruth Ann Annika Rachel Dianna Kristen Lexi Wally Juergen Rick Kristen Alia Abby Mila Valerie Sloane Julia Teresa Harry Matteo Norah Jonah Kelly Jenna

•For Elisabeth Dirks, Bert Campbell, Tina Warkentin, Jacob Regehr  and Emma Gretschmann in Bethania PC Home


Prayer meetings:
•Sunday 9am prayer meetings to pray for summer ministries. Every Sunday except long weekends: July 28, August 11, 18, and 25.