What's Happening At NKMB?

This Week's Announcements

Congratulations & Condolences:

Congratulations: to Teagan Janzen, son of Chris &Theresa Janzen, and Madi Bartel, daughter of Matthew & Allison Bartel, on their engagement.

Condolences: to Elizabeth Dirks on the passing of her brother in law, Rudolph Dyke, on September 9.

Condolences: to Peter and Tamara Dyck and their family on the passing of Peter’s sister, Elizabeth Dyck, on September 4th at the age of 97. The funeral will be held this Sunday at 3pm at Friends Funeral Home.

Men’s ministry:

•Kick off event Saturday September 21. Dinner begins at 5:30 at the church. Enter through front doors. Topics include year road map and a brief message. $5 donation accepted.

•Monthly breakfast are returning! First breakfast is October 12. Doors open at 8:30.

NKMB Youth:

Program information & online registra-tion for myNKMB (Grades 6-8) on Tuesday evenings and The Summit (Grades 9-12) on Wednesday eve-nings can be found at nkmb.org/youth.

Financial Update:

Financial Update: Giving options at NKMB include cash, cheque, direct deposit, e-transfers and online
Finance Update: Giving options include cash, cheque, direct deposit, e-transfers and online.
Revenue to August 31, 2024 – $734,934
Expenses budgeted to August 31, 2024- $883,796
Expenses incurred to August 31, 2024- $833,902
Shortfall (deficit) to August 31, 2024 (-$98,968)
Please pray into giving to what God is doing at NKMB

Matt Falk Comedy Show!

Join us September 15. Doors open at 6:00pm for the family friendly, Christian comedian, Matt Falk. Tickets are $10 per person, with free child care for those under 10 years old. Buy tickets at the info desk in the foyer, on our website or at the door tonight. Bring your friends and family!

Corn Maze

Everyone is invited to our A Maze In Corn Event on September 28 from 3-6 pm. Cost: $15/person (3 and under free) Price includes activities and food. Bus transportation from 1315 Gateway Road will be available.

The Conversational English Classes:

Begins Monday, September 16 at 10:00am in the MPR. (Enter at door 2)


New Series starts September 9 2024. It hurts to lose someone. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Find help with GriefShare. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. GriefShare is a nondenominational group and features biblical teaching on grief and recovery.

Women Connecting

Come for coffee, tea & conversation every other Tuesday morning @ 9:30-11:30am. Next meeting on September 16 in the MPR. Bring your handiwork or just come for the fellowship.

Sponsorship update

As we eagerly await the arrival of Sarah’s daughter Rita and her girls, we are mindful of our commitment to sponsor the three remaining girls Oretha, Anna, and Mary who are still in Danane, Ivory Coast. We must raise an additional $25,000 before we can submit their application. Please mark your donation as “Refugee Fund.” The Judge in Abidjan has issued the document declaring Rita the legal guardian of Grace. We await the response from the Canadian Embassy.

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Weekly Prayer Items

• Andreas Wiebe in Deer Lodge Hospital.
• That God will reveal where you can serve this fall.
• For those who have lost a loved one, that they find healing and hope as they navigate their sorrow.
• For our Grief Share program, which provides support and healing for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. May God’s presence be felt strongly in each session, bringing peace to those who are hurting and wisdom to the facilitators.
• For God’s guidance and wisdom our civic leaders as they make decisions that impact the lives of many and deal with difficult issues facing our city.
• For Ken Sawatzky at Youth For Christ.

Prayer meetings:
For Everyone Monday evenings (except for holidays) 7:30-8:30pm in the youth room. Enter at door 6