What's Happening At NKMB?

This Week's Announcements

Tax receipts:

Now available in church mailboxes or have been mailed to your home. If you don’t have a mailbox or need to update your address, please contact the church office. Thank you!


to Mika and Benni Bergen and their family our heartfelt condolences after the
passing of Mika, their brother, Anton Harder, on February 5th in Paraguay.

Church Directory

We are preparing to launch our online directory this year. Help us make sure your information is up to date by completing the form. Join The Directory

Thank you:

Tina Schroeder and Samah Morad wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to everyone for their kind expressions of condolence following the passing of Tina’s daughter and Samah’s mom.

When you Pray:

A book study is starting on Monday, February 10 at 6:30pm in the youth room. This study will be led by Elaine Neufeld. For more information and to register click here

Female Youth Coordinator Position:

We are hiring for a Female Youth Coordinator. If you’re interested, please send your resume to info@nkmb.org. Thank you for helping us spread the word!
Job Description

To Bring Grace Home:

To qualify as Grace’s sponsor, Gifty must provide Proof of Relation- ship.” Gifty will have to submit screenshots of their regular Messenger calls, demonstrating
the ongoing communication with Grace. Addi- tionally, Gifty will have to provide receipts for the financial support sent from Canada to cover Grace’s essential needs, including food, clothing, school fees, and medicine.

NKMB Members:

We are proud to recognize the following individuals who have been members of our church for over 70 years:
• 1944-Edith Neufeld • 1946-Elfrieda Balzer
• 1948-Elisabeth Dirks • 1948-Tamara Dueck
• 1949-Peter Dueck • 1950-Susie Rempel
• 1951-Elenor Nickel • 1954-Lydia Janzen
• 1955-Agnes Sawatzky • 1955 Maria Buller
• 1955-Peter & Frieda Hildebrand • 1955-Kaethe Friesen

Thank you for being part of our church.


Giving options at NKMB include cash, cheque, direct deposit, online and e-transfers: send to donations@nkmb.org

Join Our Email List

Weekly Prayer Items

• For Elisabeth Dirks, Bert Campbell, Emmy Gretschmann, Tina Warkentin, and Jacob Regehr in Bethania PC Home.
• Pray for those in our church family who are grieving. Pray that they will feel God’s presence.
• Pray for our many volunteers as we work together to further the gospel.
• Pray for boldness to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.
• Pray for discipleship grounded in Scripture, specifically 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
• Maxim and Anya Oliferovsky, providing care to refugees of war in Ukraine

If you would like to join the prayer team/email chain, please submit your name & email to nkmbprayer@gmail.com.

Prayer meetings: For Everyone. Monday evenings (except for holidays) 7:30-8:30pm in the youth room. Enter at door 6.

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